If you consider the entire sentence as two seconds, then he could have dodged 30 to 40 bullets in that time. He could have dodged her bullet 14 times before she even finished the letter "D". Let's say half a second for Trinity to say the "D" in "Dodge this.". The math to calculate how much time he did have is simple too. He dodges 20 in rapid succession, so he must have a really fast reaction time. If he dodged just one bullet, you can call that lucky or maybe just fast enough. That reaction time must include the time to perceive bullet coming, time to make a decision on how to dodge, and then actually move. 0357 seconds to cross the distance between Neo and the agent, so the agent's reaction time must be even faster.

The math to calculate his reaction time is simple.

By estimating the distance the bullets travel when Neo tries to shoot him (about 40 to 50 feet), and knowing the speed of the bullets (A typical 9mm projectile moves near 1400 feet per second.), and the number of bullets fired (I counted 20 shots from Neo's 2 handguns.), you can calculate the agent's reaction time at around 0.028 to.