Unless the player find laser sights, at long range the Hunting Rifle and Sniper Rifle are both more accurate and deal more damage per second.Sacrifices effectiveness for versatility.The scope will have basically perfect aim. When equipped with laser sights the accuracy will be increased significantly.Suitable for practically all ranges due to its accuracy.Pinpoint accurate when scoped in and firing few shots at a time, making it very effective for long range sniping.Highest rate of fire of all weapons except submachine guns.When using an ammo upgrade, try your best to fire single shots and use the scope for medium range to prevent waste of precious ammunition.Instead of crouching for long ranges, take advantage of the scope, as the accuracy will be pretty high.To preserve ammo, shoot in short bursts, or use the scope to limit its rate of fire.Due to the above factors, it is best accompanied with a sidearm or a melee weapon to preserve ammo in indoor areas and when surrounded by Infected.Its high accuracy and scope makes it a deadly sniping weapon that can pick off foes regardless of distance, but its high fire rate, average damage and slow reload speed can often force the user to endure a slow reload at the worst times (eg. The SG 552 can be compared to a high-accuracy counterpart of the M-16 Assault Rifle with weaker defensive ability.When using the scope, the rate of fire will decrease, compensating for accuracy. This weapon is suitable for all ranges due to its scope and high rate of fire.The SG 552 is used by Bill, Louis, Nick, and Rochelle (as well as Zoey in the Xbox 360 version of Left 4 Dead 2). Reloading time is longer than that of the Assault Rifle, but is still faster than the Combat Rifle. The damage per shot is the same as the Assault Rifle, but it fires two more shots per minute. When used without sighting through the scope the SG 552 has extremely tight crosshairs when fired from a standing-still posture on account of the fact that it is a hybrid assault-sniping rifle. Using the scope also reduces the weapon's rate of fire. It has a 2x scope which accentuates its long range accuracy, much like a Hunting Rifle or a Sniper Rifle, but not nearly to the same degree as either of these weapons. The SG 552 is a fully automatic assault rifle, very similar in capability to the standard in-game M-16 Assault Rifle.