Pay attention to your Sims' Needs and get your Sims Inspired today! Inspired Sims (full needs motives and green sparkles around them) will continue to earn bonus Simoleons/XP but will also do ALL actions MORE QUICKLY - including crafting in Live Events, work shifts and more! We’ve added visual cues in the ‘Sim Tracker’ and ‘Portrait’ to passively communicate this change – Inspired Sims will now have a green icon, Happy Sims will have a white icon and Sad Sims will have a new red icon. We thought this was terrible! Our team has created a better way of improving the gameplay experience for low needs! Now, instead of being ‘Housebound’, Sims with low Needs are now ‘Sad Sims’, who can now go anywhere and do anything, however their actions will take a little bit longer to complete. This prevented players from using their Sims to complete quests, hobbies, work shifts, Live Events and much more. Say goodbye to ‘Housebound’ Sims when their Needs are low! Sims now undertake actions faster or slower depending on their mood! Previously, whenever a Sim’s Needs were too low, they would head back to their own house and become stuck at home until you sort out their Needs. Removal of Housebound & Improvements to the Needs System

Make a statement as you renovate, redecorate and remodel with exclusive rewards in the latest update of The Sims FreePlay! Reinvent the art of layering to create “wow factor” and surround your Sims with the things that you love! Place them all strategically together, like art, eclectic decor, furniture, anything at all. Step 5: Overwrite the new hacked files with your old ones and open the app.From bright patterns to bold animal print, our all-new maximalist interior aesthetic will elevate your Sims’ fashion and lifestyle with a ‘more-is-more' take on a timeless, chic style. Note: Backup your original app files before replacing them with these modified ones. Non-Jailbroken iOS 8.3, 8.4 and higher read this tutorial:

IOS 8 users: /User Applications/ Freeplay using iFunBox or /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/ Freeplay using iFile/Filza. IOS 7/6 and lower users: /User Applications/ Freeplay using iFunBox or /var/mobile/Applications/ Freeplay using iFile/Filza. Step 4: Unzip and replace the old "savegames" folder with the new one.

Step 2: Download the file from the link above.

Step 1: Open the app, play it a bit then close it from multitasking. React or reply to this topic to see the hidden content.